Extract Drivers

This script will extract all drivers from a computer and copy them to a folder structure organized by type. It is language dependent and currently works for Danish and English Operating System language.

Option Explicit

Dim WshShell, oExec
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

Set oExec = WshShell.Exec("Dism.exe /online /get-drivers")

WScript.Echo "Started, Get drivers"

Dim iCounter
iCounter = 0
Do While oExec.Status = 0 And iCounter < 600
	WScript.Sleep 100
	iCounter = iCounter + 1

WScript.Echo "Execute time: " & iCounter / 10 & " Sec."
WScript.Echo "Exit Code: " & oExec.ExitCode

Dim sText, sDriverList
Dim aDriverList()
Dim iDriversCount
iDriversCount = 0
Do While Not oExec.StdOut.AtEndOfStream
	sText = oExec.StdOut.ReadLine()
	If Left(sText,17) = "Published Name : " Or Left(sText,17) = "Udgivelsesnavn : " Then
		ReDim Preserve aDriverList(iDriversCount)
		aDriverList(iDriversCount) = Trim(Right(sText,Len(sText)-17))
		iDriversCount = iDriversCount + 1
	End If

Dim sElement
Dim aOEMDriverPaths(), aOEMDriverClasses(), aOEMDriverVersion()

WScript.Echo "Number of OEM Drivers: " & iDriversCount

iDriversCount = 0
For Each sElement In aDriverList
	Set oExec = WshShell.Exec("Dism.exe /online /get-driverInfo:" & sElement)

	WScript.Echo "Started, get info for driver: " & sElement

	iCounter = 0
	Do While oExec.Status = 0 And iCounter < 100
		WScript.Sleep 100
		iCounter = iCounter + 1

	WScript.Echo "Execute time: " & iCounter / 10 & " Sec."
	WScript.Echo "Exit Code: " & oExec.ExitCode

	Do While Not oExec.StdOut.AtEndOfStream
		sText = oExec.StdOut.ReadLine()
		If Left(sText,20) = "Driver Store Path : " Then
			ReDim Preserve aOEMDriverPaths(iDriversCount)
			aOEMDriverPaths(iDriversCount) = Trim(Right(sText,Len(sText)-20))
		End If
		If Left(sText,22) = "Sti til driverlager : " Then
			ReDim Preserve aOEMDriverPaths(iDriversCount)
			aOEMDriverPaths(iDriversCount) = Trim(Right(sText,Len(sText)-22))
		End If
		If Left(sText,13) = "Class Name : " Or Left(sText,13) = "Klassenavn : "Then
			ReDim Preserve aOEMDriverClasses(iDriversCount)
			aOEMDriverClasses(iDriversCount) = Trim(Right(sText,Len(sText)-13))
		End If
		If Left(sText,10) = "Version : " Then
			ReDim Preserve aOEMDriverVersion(iDriversCount)
			aOEMDriverVersion(iDriversCount) = Trim(Right(sText,Len(sText)-10))
			iDriversCount = iDriversCount + 1
		End If

Dim sScriptPath, sDriversDestinationPath
sScriptPath = Left(wscript.scriptfullname, Len(wscript.scriptfullname) - Len(wscript.scriptname))

Wscript.echo sScriptPath

Dim sComputer, oWMIService, cItems, oItem, sManufacturer, sModel
sComputer = "." 
Set oWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & sComputer & "\root\CIMV2") 
Set cItems = oWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystem",,48) 
For Each oItem in cItems
    sManufacturer = oItem.Manufacturer
    sModel = oItem.Model

WScript.Echo "Number of OEM Drivers: " & iDriversCount

Dim sInfFileName, sDriverVersion, sDriverCopySource, sDriverCopyDistination, iWaitCounter

For iCounter = 0 To iDriversCount-1

	sInfFileName = Right(aOEMDriverPaths(iCounter),Len(aOEMDriverPaths(iCounter))-InstrRev(aOEMDriverPaths(iCounter),"\",-1,vbTextCompare))
	sInfFileName = Left(sInfFileName,Len(sInfFileName)-4)
	sDriverVersion = aOEMDriverVersion(iCounter)
	sDriversDestinationPath = sScriptPath & "Drivers\" & sManufacturer & "\" & sModel & "\"
	sDriverCopySource = Left(aOEMDriverPaths(iCounter),InstrRev(aOEMDriverPaths(iCounter),"\",-1,vbTextCompare))
	sDriverCopyDistination = sDriversDestinationPath & aOEMDriverClasses(iCounter) & "\" & sInfFileName & "_" & sDriverVersion

	WScript.echo "Copy Driver: " & aOEMDriverClasses(iCounter) & " " & sInfFileName & " " & sDriverVersion

	CopyFolder sDriverCopySource, sDriverCopyDistination, "Precompiled Setup Information"

Function CopyFolder(sSourceFolder, sDestinationFolder, sExcludeType)
	SearchSubFolders sSourceFolder, sDestinationFolder, sExcludeType
End Function

Sub SearchSubFolders(sSourceFoldersPath, sDestFoldersPath, sExcludeType)

	Dim oFileSystem, oFolder, oFile, aExcludeType, bExclude, sElement
	Set oFileSystem = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
	aExcludeType = Split(sExcludeType,",",-1,vbTextCompare)

	'** Søg i under mapper ************************************************************
	Set oFolder = oFileSystem.getFolder(sSourceFoldersPath)
	For Each ofile in oFolder.SubFolders
		SearchSubFolders sSourceFoldersPath & "\" & oFile.name, sDestFoldersPath & "\" & oFile.name, sExcludeType

	'** Kopier filer i mappe **********************************************************
	For Each oFile in oFolder.Files

		bExclude = False
		For Each sElement In aExcludeType
			If UCase(oFile.Type) = UCase(sElement) Then
				bExclude = True
			End If
		If Not bExclude Then
			CopyFile sSourceFoldersPath, sDestFoldersPath, oFile.name
		End If
	Set oFolder = Nothing
	Set oFileSystem = nothing

End Sub

Function CopyFile(sSourceFilePath, sDestFilePath, sFile)

	Dim oFileSystem, oCopyFile, oCopyFileDest, iSecondsDateDiff
	Set oFileSystem = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

	'** Kontroller om destinations filen findes ****************************************
	If oFileSystem.FileExists(sDestFilePath & "\" & sFile) Then

		'** Destinations fil eksisterer, kontroller om kilde fil er nyere **********
		Set oCopyFile = oFileSystem.GetFile(sSourceFilePath & "\" & sFile)
		Set oCopyFileDest = oFileSystem.GetFile(sDestFilePath & "\" & sFile)
		iSecondsDateDiff = DateDiff("s", oCopyFile.DateLastModified, oCopyFileDest.DateLastModified)
		If iSecondsDateDiff < 0 Then

			'** Kilde Fil er nyere, kopier fil *********************************
			On Error resume Next
			oCopyFile.Copy (sDestFilePath & "\" & sFile)
			If Err.Number = 0 Then
				'wscript.echo "File copied: "  & sSourceFilePath & "\" & sFile
				'** Fejl i kopiering, log fejl *****************************
				wscript.echo "ERROR " & Err.Number & " copy file: " & sSourceFilePath & "\" & sFile
			End If
			On Error Goto 0

		End If
		Set oCopyFile = nothing
		Set oCopyFileDest = nothing

		'** Destination findes ikke, kopier fil ************************************
		Set oCopyFile = oFileSystem.GetFile(sSourceFilePath & "\" & sFile)
		On Error resume Next
		oCopyFile.Copy (sDestFilePath & "\" & sFile)

		'** Slet kilde fil, hvis kopiering gik godt ********************************
		If Err.Number = 0 Then
			'wscript.echo "File copied: "  & sSourceFilePath & "\" & sFile
			'** Fejl i kopiering, log fejl *************************************
			wscript.echo  "Error " & Err.Number & " copy file: " & sSourceFilePath & "\" & sFile

		End If
		On Error Goto 0
		Set oCopyFile = nothing
	End If
	Set oFileSystem = nothing
End Function

Function CreateFolderTree(strInput)
	Dim objFileSystemObject
	Set objFileSystemObject = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
	If Not objFileSystemObject.FolderExists(strInput) Then 
		Dim arrFolderPath,intFolder,strFolderTree
		arrFolderPath = Split(strInput,"\")
		For intFolder = 0 To UBound(arrFolderPath)
			strFolderTree = strFolderTree & arrFolderPath(intFolder) & "\"
			If intFolder > 1 Then 
				If Not objFileSystemObject.FolderExists(strFolderTree) Then
				End If
			End If
		CreateFolderTree = True
		CreateFolderTree = False
	End If
	Set objFileSystemObject = nothing
End Function