July 6, 2016

Extract Drivers

This script will extract all drivers from a computer and copy them to a folder structure organized by type. It is language dependent and currently works for Danish and English Operating System language.

Option Explicit

Dim WshShell, oExec
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

Set oExec = WshShell.Exec("Dism.exe /online /get-drivers")

WScript.Echo "Started, Get drivers"

Dim iCounter
iCounter = 0
Do While oExec.Status = 0 And iCounter < 600
	WScript.Sleep 100
	iCounter = iCounter + 1

WScript.Echo "Execute time: " & iCounter / 10 & " Sec."
WScript.Echo "Exit Code: " & oExec.ExitCode

Dim sText, sDriverList
Dim aDriverList()
Dim iDriversCount
iDriversCount = 0
Do While Not oExec.StdOut.AtEndOfStream
	sText = oExec.StdOut.ReadLine()
	If Left(sText,17) = "Published Name : " Or Left(sText,17) = "Udgivelsesnavn : " Then
		ReDim Preserve aDriverList(iDriversCount)
		aDriverList(iDriversCount) = Trim(Right(sText,Len(sText)-17))
		iDriversCount = iDriversCount + 1
	End If

Dim sElement
Dim aOEMDriverPaths(), aOEMDriverClasses(), aOEMDriverVersion()

WScript.Echo "Number of OEM Drivers: " & iDriversCount

iDriversCount = 0
For Each sElement In aDriverList
	Set oExec = WshShell.Exec("Dism.exe /online /get-driverInfo:" & sElement)

	WScript.Echo "Started, get info for driver: " & sElement

	iCounter = 0
	Do While oExec.Status = 0 And iCounter < 100
		WScript.Sleep 100
		iCounter = iCounter + 1

	WScript.Echo "Execute time: " & iCounter / 10 & " Sec."
	WScript.Echo "Exit Code: " & oExec.ExitCode

	Do While Not oExec.StdOut.AtEndOfStream
		sText = oExec.StdOut.ReadLine()
		If Left(sText,20) = "Driver Store Path : " Then
			ReDim Preserve aOEMDriverPaths(iDriversCount)
			aOEMDriverPaths(iDriversCount) = Trim(Right(sText,Len(sText)-20))
		End If
		If Left(sText,22) = "Sti til driverlager : " Then
			ReDim Preserve aOEMDriverPaths(iDriversCount)
			aOEMDriverPaths(iDriversCount) = Trim(Right(sText,Len(sText)-22))
		End If
		If Left(sText,13) = "Class Name : " Or Left(sText,13) = "Klassenavn : "Then
			ReDim Preserve aOEMDriverClasses(iDriversCount)
			aOEMDriverClasses(iDriversCount) = Trim(Right(sText,Len(sText)-13))
		End If
		If Left(sText,10) = "Version : " Then
			ReDim Preserve aOEMDriverVersion(iDriversCount)
			aOEMDriverVersion(iDriversCount) = Trim(Right(sText,Len(sText)-10))
			iDriversCount = iDriversCount + 1
		End If

Dim sScriptPath, sDriversDestinationPath
sScriptPath = Left(wscript.scriptfullname, Len(wscript.scriptfullname) - Len(wscript.scriptname))

Wscript.echo sScriptPath

Dim sComputer, oWMIService, cItems, oItem, sManufacturer, sModel
sComputer = "." 
Set oWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & sComputer & "\root\CIMV2") 
Set cItems = oWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystem",,48) 
For Each oItem in cItems
    sManufacturer = oItem.Manufacturer
    sModel = oItem.Model

WScript.Echo "Number of OEM Drivers: " & iDriversCount

Dim sInfFileName, sDriverVersion, sDriverCopySource, sDriverCopyDistination, iWaitCounter

For iCounter = 0 To iDriversCount-1

	sInfFileName = Right(aOEMDriverPaths(iCounter),Len(aOEMDriverPaths(iCounter))-InstrRev(aOEMDriverPaths(iCounter),"\",-1,vbTextCompare))
	sInfFileName = Left(sInfFileName,Len(sInfFileName)-4)
	sDriverVersion = aOEMDriverVersion(iCounter)
	sDriversDestinationPath = sScriptPath & "Drivers\" & sManufacturer & "\" & sModel & "\"
	sDriverCopySource = Left(aOEMDriverPaths(iCounter),InstrRev(aOEMDriverPaths(iCounter),"\",-1,vbTextCompare))
	sDriverCopyDistination = sDriversDestinationPath & aOEMDriverClasses(iCounter) & "\" & sInfFileName & "_" & sDriverVersion

	WScript.echo "Copy Driver: " & aOEMDriverClasses(iCounter) & " " & sInfFileName & " " & sDriverVersion

	CopyFolder sDriverCopySource, sDriverCopyDistination, "Precompiled Setup Information"

Function CopyFolder(sSourceFolder, sDestinationFolder, sExcludeType)
	SearchSubFolders sSourceFolder, sDestinationFolder, sExcludeType
End Function

Sub SearchSubFolders(sSourceFoldersPath, sDestFoldersPath, sExcludeType)

	Dim oFileSystem, oFolder, oFile, aExcludeType, bExclude, sElement
	Set oFileSystem = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
	aExcludeType = Split(sExcludeType,",",-1,vbTextCompare)

	'** Søg i under mapper ************************************************************
	Set oFolder = oFileSystem.getFolder(sSourceFoldersPath)
	For Each ofile in oFolder.SubFolders
		SearchSubFolders sSourceFoldersPath & "\" & oFile.name, sDestFoldersPath & "\" & oFile.name, sExcludeType

	'** Kopier filer i mappe **********************************************************
	For Each oFile in oFolder.Files

		bExclude = False
		For Each sElement In aExcludeType
			If UCase(oFile.Type) = UCase(sElement) Then
				bExclude = True
			End If
		If Not bExclude Then
			CopyFile sSourceFoldersPath, sDestFoldersPath, oFile.name
		End If
	Set oFolder = Nothing
	Set oFileSystem = nothing

End Sub

Function CopyFile(sSourceFilePath, sDestFilePath, sFile)

	Dim oFileSystem, oCopyFile, oCopyFileDest, iSecondsDateDiff
	Set oFileSystem = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

	'** Kontroller om destinations filen findes ****************************************
	If oFileSystem.FileExists(sDestFilePath & "\" & sFile) Then

		'** Destinations fil eksisterer, kontroller om kilde fil er nyere **********
		Set oCopyFile = oFileSystem.GetFile(sSourceFilePath & "\" & sFile)
		Set oCopyFileDest = oFileSystem.GetFile(sDestFilePath & "\" & sFile)
		iSecondsDateDiff = DateDiff("s", oCopyFile.DateLastModified, oCopyFileDest.DateLastModified)
		If iSecondsDateDiff < 0 Then

			'** Kilde Fil er nyere, kopier fil *********************************
			On Error resume Next
			oCopyFile.Copy (sDestFilePath & "\" & sFile)
			If Err.Number = 0 Then
				'wscript.echo "File copied: "  & sSourceFilePath & "\" & sFile
				'** Fejl i kopiering, log fejl *****************************
				wscript.echo "ERROR " & Err.Number & " copy file: " & sSourceFilePath & "\" & sFile
			End If
			On Error Goto 0

		End If
		Set oCopyFile = nothing
		Set oCopyFileDest = nothing

		'** Destination findes ikke, kopier fil ************************************
		Set oCopyFile = oFileSystem.GetFile(sSourceFilePath & "\" & sFile)
		On Error resume Next
		oCopyFile.Copy (sDestFilePath & "\" & sFile)

		'** Slet kilde fil, hvis kopiering gik godt ********************************
		If Err.Number = 0 Then
			'wscript.echo "File copied: "  & sSourceFilePath & "\" & sFile
			'** Fejl i kopiering, log fejl *************************************
			wscript.echo  "Error " & Err.Number & " copy file: " & sSourceFilePath & "\" & sFile

		End If
		On Error Goto 0
		Set oCopyFile = nothing
	End If
	Set oFileSystem = nothing
End Function

Function CreateFolderTree(strInput)
	Dim objFileSystemObject
	Set objFileSystemObject = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
	If Not objFileSystemObject.FolderExists(strInput) Then 
		Dim arrFolderPath,intFolder,strFolderTree
		arrFolderPath = Split(strInput,"\")
		For intFolder = 0 To UBound(arrFolderPath)
			strFolderTree = strFolderTree & arrFolderPath(intFolder) & "\"
			If intFolder > 1 Then 
				If Not objFileSystemObject.FolderExists(strFolderTree) Then
				End If
			End If
		CreateFolderTree = True
		CreateFolderTree = False
	End If
	Set objFileSystemObject = nothing
End Function

Create OU Based Collections

I recently set up a whole new SCCM 2012 environment and we needed to create collections for a lot of OUs containing the computers.The script below will run through an OU structure and create device collections for each OU and sub OU’s.

To run the script open your SCCM console and press the drop down menu next to the home button and choose “Connect via Windows Powershell”.

This will establish a connection to the SCCM and allow you to use some special CM powershell functions which is utilized in this script.

To avoid warnings about the script not  being digitally signed run this command prior to executing the script it self.

Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope Process -ExecutionPolicy Bypass

Now you can run the script.

It takes 1 mandatory argument and 3 optional which if not specified will default to the values they have in the script.

The mandatory argument is the SearchBase which is the top level OU from which you want to create the OU based Collections. The Optional arguments are LimitingCollection, SearchScope and RefreshType.

To run the script in its most simple form:

New-OUDeviceCollection.ps1 -SearchBase “OU=Computers,OU=Company,DC=OMG,DC=local”

This will create a collection for each of the OU’s under omg.local\Company\Computers – excluding the Computers container it self.

New-OUDeviceCollection.ps1 -SearchBase “OU=Computers,OU=Company,DC=OMG,DC=local” -LimitingCollection “All Windows 10 Computers” -SearchScope Subtree -RefreshType 2

This will create a collection for each of the OU’s under omg.local\Company\Computers – including the Computers container it self. It will use “All Windows 10 Computers” as the limiting Collection and it will use periodic update.

# Name: New-OUDeviceCollection
# Arguments: 4 (1 Mandatory, 3 Optional)
#   1. SearchBase (String, Mandatory): The top level OU from where you want to create OU Collections. The DistinguisedName attribute of the OU from AD is used.
#   2. LimitingCollection (String, Optional): The Collection to limit the new collections to. Default: All Desktop and Server Clients
#   3. SearchScope (String, Optional): Subtree, OneLevel or Base. Default: OneLevel
#   4. RefreshType (String, Optional): 1 (Manual),2 (Periodic), 4(CONSTANT_UPDATE) - Default: 4
# Description: This script will run through an OU and create device collections for each OU and sub OU's 
#              depending on what you specify in SearchScope.

[string]$LimitingCollection = 'All Desktop and Server Clients',
[string]$SearchScope = 'OneLevel',
[string]$RefreshType = '4'

$OUS = Get-ADOrganizationalUnit -SearchBase $SearchBase -SearchScope $SearchScope -Filter * -Properties Canonicalname
foreach ($OU in $OUS) 
    New-CMDeviceCollection -Name "$OUName" -LimitingCollectionName $LimitingCollection -RefreshType $RefreshType
    Add-CMDeviceCollectionQueryMembershipRule -CollectionName "$OUName" -QueryExpression "select SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceID, SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceType,
    SMS_R_SYSTEM.Name,SMS_R_SYSTEM.SMSUniqueIdentifier,SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceDomainORWorkgroup,SMS_R_SYSTEM.Client from SMS_R_System where SMS_R_System.SystemOUName
   = '$Canonical'" -RuleName "$OUName OU"